After knowing Yuki's secret, Jun was now the one always staring at his violin case before he went to bed. He found out that Yuki was indeed a really talented person in music. It was somehow a gift given by God. Maybe it was right that God is always fair to everyone, as long as you are talented, you may have something that you loss and the people who are not given talented somehow, achieve more than the talented person. Yuki was a talented person in music, maybe it was really a good news but her hand broke during a car crash and she can no longer hold heavier objects other than the pencil with her left hand. On the other hand, Jun wasn't as talented as Yuki but he was given both talented parents in violin and he was given great education in violin in the age of five. " Maybe it is really time, I guess... My time are really running out." Jun sighed and gently closed his violin case.
Yuki spent most of her time in Jun's balcony now because their balcony was really near and they can even jump to each other balcony but of course they will only do this whenever the gain permission from either of them. " Your hand movement is wrong, it should be lower." Yuki hold Jun's hand and help him post it in the correct position. " Yuki, where did you get these inspiration from? The pieces that you wrote is really good but I still can't catch the melody of this music sheet." " Well, it goes like this," Yuki took out her violin and played out Jun's melody. " Kiyoshi, you did really well you know?" Yuki looked at the direction and found that Jun's parents were standing at the door. " Thank you, sensei," " Jun have also showed a lot of improvement after learning from you, Kiyoshi." " It isn't all my work sensei, Jun also did a lot of hard work before we start our practice. he have a very good basic in violin." " Well, both of you deserve to be praise. I'll go make tea for both of you." " Ssnsei, it doesn't matter. I am going back afterwards because I have an appointment." " An appointment?" " Yes, with my doctor to discuss about my left hand." " Then, we won't be disturbing both of you." " Thank you, sensei." " I have to go back already, see you tomorrow Jun." " Ok, see you later, Yuki."
" Mum, can I asked you a question?" " Is it about Kiyoshi?" " Yeah," " Well, she is really a gifted person, very talented and also hardworking. She can almost receive all the teaching we have give her within one month and a half, I suppose. Your dad, who was always strict was always satisfied with Kiyoshi's playing and only give her praise and not comment." " Is it true, dad?" " Yeah." " But why did she need an appointment with a doctor? I suppose she ought to have as well take medicine everyday right?" " You are wrong Jun, this would have to say after her car crash" said his mother quietly. " Kiyoshi never ever touch her violin after she had the car crash. She always wipe the dust of her violin case just to make sure it doesn't rust or broke. You see, she was really fond of that violin because it was made by her father. Her parents were always heart broken when they heard the news because Kiyoshi refuse to take her medicine and always skip her medical check up. Up until now, only she started to take her medicine and advise from her doctor." " So, she was having a painful life up until now?" " I perhaps, it indeed that she have suffer a lot from the pain. You cannot one to succeed without enduring the pain along the path right, Jun?" " Yes, mother." " Back to the point, are you sure you don't want to inform Kiyoshi?" " Yes, because I think she have already suffer a lot of pain until now. I wish that she can stay happy for a bit longer." " We will of course, support your views," "Thank you, mum, dad. I better go back to my bedroom to put my things back in order."
The next day, when Yuki arrived at the balcony. She found out that there was a letter on her door step. She pick up the letter carefully and looked at the right angle to see who delivered it. The letter was from Jun. Yuki opened the letter quickly and read through it, the more she read the more tears that was coming out from her sapphire eyes.
To Yuki,
Please don't feel sad when you have read this letter. I am leaving to France now to continue my studies there. Mum and dad have already planned it since they have came back from their last performance in France.
To be honest, I owned you an explanation for my rudely behavior. Please let me to explained to you in this letter. The moment I saw you when I moved in, I was really sure that you are different from the girls I have met. You don't like make-ups like most girls do and I even hardly see you go shopping with your friends. At first I thought that you were crazy but the more I notice you I have a feeling that I really have to have a chat with this girl so I took up the courage to talk to you. And only chatting with you, only I know you weren't crazy you were just special.
Please accept my apologies for not telling you yesterday because I wish that you can smile and be happy for just a it longer. You have suffered more than any other people I have known and you was also the bravest to face reality and not always escaping. You was also the first person who praise me and I really am happy after hearing your praise. You see, my parents are very strict and they always want me to be the very best. So I wasn't always happy and intend to cause trouble for them. But after knowing your secret, you have truly told me that I should be enjoying this and not always complaining. I wish that you can continue with you medical check up and always be happy. After 10 years of studying, I will come back and I wish that we can play the music you have written and have the Yuki welcoming me back is the Yuki that is always cheerful and happy. I wish you all the best here.
Yuki cried for a long time. Thinking about the loneliness without Jun and their promise. She clutched the letter in her hand and lift her head up the sky and found that there is a plane flying over them. " Jun, I will always be waiting for you. I promise you that I will continue to smile and always stay happy!" shouted Yuki to the plane and surprisingly found a shining object shined back to her. She wiped the tears off her sapphire eyes and sit on the balcony but this time enjoying the invisible music floating on her balcony........
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