After their meeting, Yuki was always locking herself in her bedroom. She was always thinking of something that can almost make her cry in the middle of the day or night. Day by day, and night by night, the time seems to be always running and Yuki knows that her time has run out if she continues to stay like this but yet she always lock herself in her room and refuse to go out. On the other hand, Jun was always looking for Yuki in his balcony but the more he hope the more he will feel disappointed because it was already 2 weeks he haven't see her.
One day, Jun overheard Yuki's mum telling her friends that her daughter who was Yuki refuse to eat and was always locking herself in her bedroom. Although they have tried many of methods, but Yuki doesn't want to go out and was always giving the reason that she was studying. At first, Jun was relieve but to his horror Rin who was a classmate of Yuki's said that there weren't any exams around the corner and insist that they have already finish their final exam before the holidays have start. Rin also said that Yuki always got the top result in the class and was also the best in the whole form. Jun was suddenly felt guilty because he felt that he was the culprit to all of this.
Yuki on the other hand was always thinking something hard. When she was thinking she doesn't like people disturbing her and she was always full whenever she cannot find a satisfied answer to all her question. She think about this question for quiet a time already and she thinks that she cannot allow herself to escape from the reality. She told herself that tomorrow she will revile her secret that she have been keeping from Jun from the moment they met each other.
Jun was awaken by a lovely melody in the morning. It was almost the whole family of Jun and Yuki's family was awake from this mysterious melody. Everyone was curious because the melody was being played so skillful and yet full of expression shown by the player and composer. Suddenly, Yuki's family understand and started to cry but Jun's family was impressed by the player and gave a lot of good comment towards the player. Jun feels that the melody was somewhere near him and he was correct. The melody came from the balcony and to his surprise the player was Yuki.
The Yuki in front of Jun was someone like a stranger it wasn't familiar to Jun because Yuki was playing so beautiful and so skillful with her violin. She didn't even have a script in front of her, she just closed her eyes and played the melody skillfully and beautifully. Jun stood there feeling the melody rushing towards him and letting the melody bringing him to another dimension where it was a lovely garden full with different kinds of flowers and a breeze of wind that can relax the mind but suddenly the melody stop. Jun opened his eyes and found Yuki staring at him.
" Erm.. you played very well you know?" " Thanks, " " My parents," " I know them," said Yuki quietly " They were well-known people and was always travelling from a country to another country to perform right?" " Ya, anyway you perform very skillful and beautiful you know?" " I don't deserve the praising from you, I already lost most of my talents I've obtained from my teachers, two of my teachers were your parents," muttered Yuki quietly. " Really? are you serious?" " Ya, I started learning to play the violin when I was in the age of three because my parents discovered I have the talent inside me. I was learning fast and sooner enough I am not satisfied with the teaching my parents have given me so I started to travel to find teachers to give me music lesson and your parents was one of them. " " But why didn't you told me that you can play violin when you see me playing? You even stopped playing it although you can played so skillful. " " I stop playing violin because," Yuki lowered down her violin and look at Jun's emerald eyes. " because I hurt my hand during a car crash just because I was hurrying to the hall to entered a competition. I can no longer play the violin because my left hand cannot support heavy things. I can only use my right hand to take up heavier objects but I can only use my left hand to take up a pencil and write and no heavier objects other than the pencil can I support with my left hand. Jun, you know that it is hard to put down things you really enjoyed right? I was always locking myself in my bedroom staring at the violin box which I kept in my cupboard and thinking about the problem like I did the 2 weeks after our meeting. It is also you who let me feels that I can no longer escape from the reality. I have decided to face the reality and I always wish to say that you are also a very important person to me." " So you weren't avoiding me after the meeting?" " No," said Yuki quietly I was only thinking about my problem. Yuki and Jun stand at the balcony facing each other. " So you decided to take up violin again?" " No, I am going to play this," holding up her violin " whenever I feel the necessary because I wish that we can maybe have a duet?" " Ya, I'll start finding suitable music sheet so that we can practice." " Well, if you don't mind. Here is a music sheet I've written myself would you like to have a duet with me using this music sheet I've written myself?" " Definitely!" Jun took the music sheet from Yuki's hand and found out that the tittle of the music sheet was " Secrets, deep in my heart"...
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